Where to start visiting Cusco

Where to start visiting Cusco?

Where to start visiting Cusco?

Where to start visiting Cusco , ,

Where to start visiting Cusco?

Here we will help you know where to start visiting Cusco. If we want to travel somewhere we always want to know what is more important to know.
Something that will immediately catch your attention is Cusco’s gastronomy. You can visit several restaurants and taste exquisite dishes.
In Cusco there is a typical dish. It is Chiri Uchu, which means “cold spicy.” It is a mix between: the coast, the land and the jungle.
Some ingredients are: corn, toast, cheese, guinea pig, chicken, cochayuyo, fish egg cup, etc. Go and try this and other Peruvian dishes with your family.

Where to start visiting Cusco: Go to the central square

If you wonder more than once where to start visiting Cusco we have news for you, in the center of the city there are places to stay near the square.
Also in the heart of the city is “the Plaza de Armas.” This little square became a religious and cultural center for the Incas.
What can you appreciate here? You can look at the cathedral, see many shops and hire the services of tours.

The interesting cathedral of Cusco

This cathedral is a powerless edification near the Plaza de Armas. Its structure has several styles; and they are: Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance.
Now, it has two towers that guard it on both sides; and inside it you can see the amazing works of Cusco.
In short, it is a beautiful colonial-Inca city. But it has at the same time religion, culture and art that you cannot stop visiting and enjoying

Horseback riding in Cusco is possible

You would like to take a long and fun horse ride. You can do tours of almost three hours on horseback to the beauties of the City Tour.
The ride is through the fields. During the walk you will see the Andean villages with their intact customs. In addition to knowing many archaeological sites.
From a horseback ride, if you are a beer lover, you can enjoy a Cusco beer in its different variations (malt, wheat, premium) in the host city; If the presentation of it intrigues you, we invite you to walk through the Loreto alley in the city and find the stone of the 12 angles, see for yourself, and discover one of the stories.
Before returning to the city of Cusco you can go to the Temple of the Moon. Not surprisingly, we can summarize something about it so that you feel curious to visit it.

The Temple of the Moon: A unique experience

According to the spiritual beliefs of the Incas it is a place dedicated to the goddess of the Moon. It is an ideal place to meditate and connect with the universe.
Apparently it is a place quite frequented by those who want to be parents. The reason is that they also believe that this goddess helped fertility.
It has some rock-type taverns. The Incas carved them and formed tables and other objects. You will not appreciate this wonder anywhere else easily.

San Pedro Market or Central Market

If you stay near the central market, you can have a hot chicken or chicken soup for breakfast to counteract the cold, walk through the aisles, while observing the amount of cheese and cocoa that is what stands out the most; indigenous crafts and souvenirs to take to our loved ones. If lunch time is approaching, ask for one of the typical dishes, the guinea pig accompanied by the vegetables of your choice.

Familia en Cusco

Our company Andean Explore’s Cusco has more than two decades offering excellent tourism service. We have good references. Contact us and enjoy all our benefits to visit the historic capital of Peru.